Opportunity Readiness Level model (ORL)

Tracking progress of novel Front End projects in a Corporate environment is complex. You need to combine the agility of start-ups behaviours (lean and learning mindset, fast prototyping) with the culture of Corporation that loves phases. The Opportunity Readiness Level model (ORL) has been designed to help you communicate internally while moving fast on focusing the on the key dimension of your opportunity.

The ORL is articulated around 10 levels, that show the robustness of an intended Business Model.

ORL 0: Idea Generation

Generate and Collect structured of unstructured new ideas

ORL 1: Value Proposition Hypothesis

Translate ideas into Opportunity Value Proposition hypothesis for specific customers

ORL 2: Market Assessment

Assess the Opportunity Value Proposition market Desirability

ORL 3: Scenarios Sizing

Design different Business Model hypothesis and size their respective business impact

ORL 4: Value Proposition Validation

Validate virtually the key Business Model dimensions (especially Value Proposition) that will move to the Prototyping phase

ORL 5: Rapid Solution Prototyping

Build a Minimum Viable Prototype

Market test and collect insights on Business Model dimension hypothesis

ORL 6: Ecosystem Development

Confirm the Business Model Feasibility (Activities) and Identify the relevant Ecosystem (Resources and Partnerships)

Confirm the associated Cost structure

ORL 7: Optimised Solution Prototyping

Validate the optimised Business Model Prototype and prepare the full commercialisation

ORL 8: Scalability

Full scale commercialisation

ORL 9: Adoption

Monitor the Business Model adoption & deployment